Gary Lee Price


“Harvest Joy Kids”


48” X 52” X 22”


Planting and growing things is nothing short of magical. I remember as a youngster, planting my first marigold seeds and diligently watering and waiting. Nature did her thing, and I was ecstatic! And then as the flowers continued to grow and blossom, the magic has never left. This piece represents that magic; that joy that comes via faith, hard work and finally, the splendid results. Also, in creating this piece I was trying to create a great silhouette. I love sculpting children with arched backs, because it is such a great gesture. Having the boy and girl each holding a basket was a great way to not only achieve that look, but to have them work together as a team – kind of the yin and yang principle.


Ascent by Gary Lee Price
Ascent by Gary Lee Price

Inquire about this piece

The Ascent by Gary Lee Price · 2023 sculpture interview

Two Native Americans are struggling on the face of a jagged cliff. The one above reaches out and extends himself, grasping for the one below. The one below looks up and reaches out to receive the hand of safety and strength. Climbing the mountain of life we learn, grow and, hopefully, increase in wisdom. As we continue the trek, we realize it is not just about ourselves. It is then that we pause, turn around, and reach out our hand in assistance to those who can benefit from our travels. This sculpture epitomizes the struggle to overcome opposition and difficult personal challenges, and the absolute need we have for others to reach out, bring us in, and raise us up. Having grown up in the West and being a small part Cherokee, I’ve always had an affinity for capturing the spirit of my forefathers. I have aspired to create pieces that have depth. I have wanted to portray individuals of grace, strength, and beauty. Several years prior to creating this piece, I went through a series of personal crises. It was a very difficult time for me and yet, as always, I was taken care of. Several close friends reached out and lifted me up in my hour of need. While creating this sculpture, I reached within. I relied on my own experiences; ones that showed me that people really do care, and that our true friends are those who do not judge or shun us but rather reach out and bring us in. These are the individuals with complete grace, absolute strength, and true beauty.

Meet the Artist

Gary Lee Price

Gary Lee Price, a 1981 Fine Arts graduate of the University of Utah, believes in “perpetual student-hood.” His works are included in public and private collections throughout the world, and are displayed with a select group of 15 galleries throughout the United States. He hopes he can assist the world in visualizing a place where fences and boundaries, both real and imagined, are nonexistent; a place where bias and prejudice are long forgotten. And finally, a place where acts of kindness, mutual respect and love are everyday happenings. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The spirit of man is what makes him unique above all of God’s creations.” This is the essence of Gary’s work, and his life’s journey: to lift and to inspire!


Previous Entries

New Heights

New Heights by Gary Lee Price
New Heights by Gary Lee Price

As I’ve watched our children and their friends catapult themselves up and down on those fun contraptions called pogo sticks, I couldn’t help but want to capture their joy and excitement as they master the balance and synchronicity of this fun toy. It seems very much in the mindset of Leonardo da Vinci to me; a simple but ingenious invention launching children off to new heights of adventure and discovery. My sons Zac, Isaiah, and Tyrone (and lots of their friends) served as models for this piece. It was fun watching them “pogo” hundreds of times without stopping as I photographed them. It was particularly enjoyed playing with the design of the piece and figuring out how to have certain figures suspended in the air. For me, this piece’s design is kind of an “explosion” of life.

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman by Gary Lee Price