Diego Harris


“Tidal Wave”

Corten steel and rebar

9.8’ X 6.4’ X 3.5’


I am an artist whose focus is on larger-than-life, abstract steel sculpture. “Tidal Wave” is an abstract corten steel sculpture with a very fluid design. Most of my sculptures have a design that leans toward nature, but also has an industrial quality. Tidal Wave has a design that can only be described as flowing water. It first turns one way, only to quickly turn back again, like water in a stream moving around a rock or like a wave crashing on a beach. It does this while also having surfaces and edges which give it a modern, manmade look. Over time its corten steel sheeting will develop a fine red orange rust patina. There is also an internal structure of steel rebar. 

Meet the Artist

Diego Harris delights in constructing whimsical sculptures primarily made of welded steel, sheet metal, and recycled car parts that invite people to interact with them. He was born in Baja, CA, to artist parents, and then moved at a young age to Rancho Palos Verdes in Southern California. Later, his family moved again to Lake County, CA, where he has lived ever since. He has experimented with many different mediums, including wire jewelry, burned gourds, fine art photography, and painting, but found his true passion when he learned to weld in 2007. His metal sculptures are constructed with exposed rivets, wide lap welds and excessively sturdy bolts. He is fascinated with old industry, and strives to find a perfect combination of organic contours while keeping his pieces balanced and anchored. For the past 12 years Diego has been involved with public art projects, which has taught him how to make the best use of an outdoor space.