Lance Ludlow


“Quartz Bell”

Metal and antique farm equipment remnants

6’ X 18” X 16”


I was in the steel business for 37 years, and I had the opportunity to see many different operations. I’ve also been involved in farming throughout my entire life. Because of my history, I have always been drawn to antique farm equipment. In my bell sculptures, I incorporate antiques, fancy rocks, shiny colored glass, and of course, a good-sounding bell. On 90 percent of my sculptures, I prefer a clean, glossy finish as well. I’ve always enjoyed talking with the people who buy my sculptures, as I want to make sure they are fully satisfied with their purchase. 

Meet the Artist

Lance Ludlow was born and raised in Leland, UT, and went to school in Spanish Fork. He was involved in sports all through school, but his interests were in farming and raising livestock. He has always been interested in metal work, and was employed as a steel worker for 37 years. Upon retirement, Lance and his wife moved to Santa Clara, UT. He now has a metal shop which allows him to create sculptures of all sizes. Lance says he has “always been considered a little redneck with a touch of class,” and notes that at times his work tilts in one direction or the other.