Jim Green


“Rook’s Roost”

Bronze and steel

84” X 12” X 12”


What is it about ravens? For us they are creatures of portent, of both dark omens and good. They are harbingers of doom, subjects of poetry, keepers of wisdom, and they are arguably the most intelligent of all birds. Our relationship with the Corvid family is complicated to say the least, and none more-so than the raven. Whatever else you might say about them, ravens have given rise to as many stories and flights of fancy as nearly any other animal. I give you my “Rook Roost” with a towering and contemporary presentation for your own interpretation.

Meet the Artist

Jim Green is a self-taught artist from western South Dakota. His career has changed course many times over the years, but art and nature have always been a major part of his life. He has experimented in many forms and subject matter, but always returned to wildlife sculpture. Birds in particular express his desire to protect the beauty that sustains us. Though detailed, his sculptures are not intended to be anatomical studies. They are artistic interpretations using balance, proportion, selective detail, and composition to make them both beautiful and engaging. Jim is a regular yearly exhibitor at the prestigious Sculpture in the Park sculpture show in Loveland, CO; and the nationally acclaimed Waterfowl Festival in Easton, MD. He has been an elected member of the National Sculpture Society since 2021. Jim and his wife Kara reside and work from their home and studio in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota.


Dauntless by Jim Green
Dauntless by Jim Green
Dauntless by Jim Green 2023 sculpture interview

The Peregrine Falcon, the fastest animal on earth, has a dive called a “stoop” that can reach speeds of 200 mph. This dynamic representation shows a flight adjustment just before she stoops on her prey. “Dauntless” depicts a raptor that, although having one of the widest distributions on earth, was almost driven to extinction on our continent. Through the sacrifice and love of many falconers and conservationists across the country, the Peregrine Falcon is now a model of successful conservation, integration of nature, and the urban landscape. This sculpture recognizes the dedication of those communities. The life-sized bronze falcon is 16” from beak to tail and just over 26” tip to tip, but stands just over 6’ 2” on her steel obelisk.

Jim Green 2022 video interview

Arctic Huntress

Arctic Huntress by Jim Green
Arctic Huntress by Jim Green

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Arctic Huntress is my version of a snowy owl and is often requested by clients and patrons who are familiar with my work. I chose to depict a female snow owl because I enjoy the striking beauty of her markings as opposed to the male’s stark white appearance. Artistically this was the first bird that I offered in flight, with its wings open and lots of movement. My previous works had been about subtle movement and balance. The power, aggressiveness, and agility not always associated with owls comes clear in the composition of this piece, lending an expanded definition of beauty to this amazing bird.

Pelican Ahoy!

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This large, exotic-looking bird, standing on the pier piling, regally proud (with that ridiculous mohawk sticking up, but somehow not spoiling the mood) makes Jim smile every time he looks at the sculpture. Pelican Ahoy! is the artist’s hope that we will still be able to witness this beautiful bird on our docks or skimming gracefully over the ocean waves, many generations from now.

Meet the Artist

Jim Green

My bronze sculptures originate from my time growing up in South Dakota, where much of my free time was spent in the outdoors nurturing a deep love of nature. I’ve experimented with many forms, subject matter, and mediums, but always returned to wildlife sculpture. Birds in particular express my desire to protect the beauty that sustains us. I personally complete each sculpture’s metal finishing and patina, highlighting the work and its subtleties and enhancing the story told by each piece. My work can be found in juried art shows, galleries, and private collections across the country and abroad.

Website: JimGreenArt.com