31” X 21” X 13”
“Hemeroscopium” is an allusion to a place that exists only in our minds, in our senses, that is ever-changing and mutable but nonetheless real. When confronted with something seemingly incomprehensible, we often fail to understand because we focus on explanations from our own individual perspectives and experiences. A purposeful break to emphasize incompleteness interrupts this sculpture’s story. That void honors the idea that there’s a beauty in not knowing everything, and an opportunity to bridge that gap through learning and understanding from each other. The moment we dig in and ignore the world’s diversity is the moment we deny ourselves progression. Hemeroscopium provides the secret to keep our minds open and curious. Though this sculpture is of a mermaid, a creature that doesn’t exist, perhaps we can agree that something fictitious can open our minds to the prospect that we don’t know everything.

Meet the Artist
Jonathan Morgan’s art is about bringing awareness to the human condition. He believes that often, we misinterpret the world because we rely too much on our eyes, neglecting the other senses. This is particularly true in how we view and interpret art. By relying too much on our eyes, we can miss the full sensory experience of what a work of art offers to the mind and the heart. Ultimately, what informs his art is the ardent belief that life is richer when we orient away from ourselves and focus on others. When we connect with and learn from each other, we finally see the grandeur of the world with eyes wide open.